The Most Prevalent Theme of Beowulf
If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Most Prevalent Theme of Beowulf. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Most Prevalent Theme of Beowulf paper right on time.
Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Most Prevalent Theme of Beowulf, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Most Prevalent Theme of Beowulf paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service! The main theme of Beowulf is tragedy creates heroism. The three most important
parts of Beowulf involve battles in which characters display acts of courage and valor in
order to stem the flow of death and mayhem. Innocent loss of life caused by the
antagonist began every conflict that arose in the poem. Another important aspect of these
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battles is that they all end in loss of life on both sides. This shows how heroism can come
at a price. The struggle with Grendel cost the life of Grendel and of the sentries caught
unaware. The battle with Grendels mother cost her life and the life of Aeschere.
Finally, the fight between Beowulf and the dragon cost both their lives.
The lives lost show how heroism is a product of tragedy. Beowulf went to help
the Danes when he heard of the lives lost to Grendel. He fought Grendels mother only
after she attacked the hall and killed Aeschere. He came to blows with the dragon after
the dragon began laying waste to the countryside of his homeland. Tragedy forced
Beowulf to step up and defend his people and beliefs. His heroic nature forced him to
react to the dragon even when he sensed it to be his doom. (He was sad at heart,
unsettled yet ready, sensing his death, Line 41) Wiglaf too shows heroic qualities in
the face of tragedy. Alone amongst the Geat warriors he stepped forward to aid his dying
The poem was told at a time when heroic actions were often seen. It was a
dangerous time of conquest and conflict. The purpose of the story is to relate the
importance of standing up to adversity. This theme translates easily in a time of terrorism
and war, where people are seen doing heroic things at tragic times. The World Trade
Center attacks caused the people of New York City to step up and help the victims.
Those same attacks caused thousands of soldiers to leave their homeland and root out the
terrorist involved.
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