America's Problem
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Tina walks in to her middle school gym class glowing with confidence. She has always been athletic and cocky. She has loved gym since she could remember, but something is different about today. Today for the first time she must change her clothes in front of her peers. She feels fine initially, but then she starts to look around. She realizes her body is not as perfect as she thought it was. Just because she has a little roll, she feels that she is ugly. The images of models and actresses came back to haunt her. They had never really affected her until today.
In today's society, appearance is a big factor of attraction. Most people do not want to be seen with someone society deems as unattractive. They feel they will be subjected to ridicule by their peers. So what really is attractive? In today's society it is being thin and fit. This leads to an obsession with exercising and diets. Sometimes healthy and sometimes excessive.
In the 80's, a trend was started for a healthy America. This spanned a wave of gyms being built across the country. Walks for different societies seemed to sprout from nowhere. Celebrities were promoting good health and Public Service Announcements were flooding the airwaves. It seemed as if everyone was exercising. Even the president was promoting it. Did this push turn a good intention into a bad obsession? The difference between then and now is then it was mainly for health while now it's for appearance sake.
Today, America is one of the most weight obsessed countries. This is a country where "thin is in and fat is whack". Here models and actresses are praised. They grace the runway with an unhealthy glow. Some seem as if death is approaching. While the thin actresses are the center of attention. They are revered by people who may never become them, but want to look like them. Sometimes this takes a person who wants to be healthy and turns them into an unhealthy person.
These obsessions with being thin and exercising backfire. Some of the most extreme examples of this are bulimia and anorexia nervosa. These are eating disorders linked to wanting to be thin. Bulimia is when someone stuffs themselves with food, then vomits. Anorexia nervosa is when someone eats very little. These disorders are very serious and can lead to serious body problems. While they do make you thin, you become unhealthy and mentally and physically sick. Bulimia messes up the lining in your stomach, your throat and teeth. Anorexia causes your body to eat things inside you because it has no food to eat. These are terrible prices to pay for wanting to be thin.
Tina decides that she must lose the weight. So she starts to exercise more. She attends the gym 6 days a week and decides to diet. Her diet consists of nothing but soup. After a month, she is fed up because she has not seen enough results to satisfy her. So she decides to stop eating altogether. At lunch her friends ask her why she isn't eating. She just replies that she isn't hungry. After a while they stop asking her. When her mother calls her for dinner she says she'll eat later, but later never comes. Pretty soon she does lose the weight. But she tries to start eating again and it doesn't work. She's addicted and can't stop the cycle. She wants to reach out to someone but she is scared. Pretty soon it's too late she is found dead in her room by her mother. Her mother never saw the signs. Everyone morns her remembering how beautiful of a girl she was. Too bad that she didn't realize it.
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